What's Going On?

So it has been a while since I've published on my blog and there are a few reasons for it. It isn't that I haven't wanted to blog, but more because I have been struggling to think of good content.

I see and read a lot of good blogs and I keep thinking about how they continue to think of new ideas and what makes their blog so special, successful and just like them. I recently read a blog post about how to create a blog and the one piece of advice I read was "to be yourself." And that got me thinking: have I actually been myself on this blog? A part of me feels like I have but then I've been trying to keep up with my main content of fashion and art which, let's face it, has not been 100%. I still love fashion and I still love art, but from now on, my blog is going to be focused on what I simply want to write about. In other words, anything I want to voice my opinion on!

With this in mind, I will be making a few changes to my blog and other social media platforms that I am on. With regards to my social media - Twitter and Instagram - I will be changing the names of the accounts. I am still going to keep the #FAVikki because I will continue to blog about my favourite things in life and that was my sole purpose to begin with when I started all this last year, so that is NOT going to change in the slightest. Bios are always changing so I will just change that when needed and whenever I advertise a new blog post, this will be the link in my bio on Instagram and my pinned tweet on Twitter: simply so it's easier for you lot to access and read in your own time.

Turning to my blog, this is where I would say most of the changes will be made. My email (if any of you are interested in collaborating or anything like that) will still stay the same; however, over the next month or so is where I will be amending how my blog looks because if I don't experiment and update then I won't feel as if this blog is progressing anywhere. A big change for me is the name of this blog: FAV is still relevant to what I want my content to mainly be about, but I want you all to know who I am straightaway when you open my website. And so, the name of my blog will now be:

It's Victoria Anne 

I know it's not exactly a great name for my blog but this is basically my blog: the blog is about what I like, what I don't like and it's all my opinions by me: Victoria Anne. 

So like I said, there will be a few changes over the next month or so but what I want to achieve from this blog now is to be happy with it, to know that my content is also making people happy and interested in what I write, but to also be truthful to myself and not put on a false persona which I felt I was doing up to this point.

I hope you're all looking forward to the new me and my blog and well, my blog being active again! Have a good evening to your Tuesday and until we meet again...

Much love - V A x


  1. Welcome back to blogging! I couldn't agree more lovely, you need to focus on yourself and what you love to blog about. I found re-designing my blog (buying a new template) made such a difference! I was so much more motivated! xo

    Hanney | www.blogabouthanney.com

    1. Thank you!! I couldn't stop thinking about my blog and what was wrong with it so I am finally glad to have realised that now! Luckily my friends is good with designing blogs as she talked through this one with me when I first began blogging so I know i will have help with this! xx glad to hear this worked for you! xx

  2. It's so important to take a step back every once in a while and think about WHY we are blogging, and what we hope to achieve. Wishing you the best of luck as you rework things to focus on what really matters to you, and what you really want to talk about!


    1. I am so glad I stepped back from blogging for a while! Already with this post going out tonight I feel much more positive about where this will take me already! Thank you ever so much for your comment and I look forward to reading your content! xx

  3. I love this so much! It can be so easy to compare your blog to other peoples, but it is so important not to, because you aren't them. It's so much better to write about things that you genuinely love, and it tends to come so much easier when you like what you're writing about! I can't wait to see the new content you put out, and what you do with your social media!xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

    1. Hi Hannah! And yeah I totally agree haha but I've always been the type of person that has to compare what I've done to other people and I really do hate myself for this trait! But I can't wait to ease myself back into blogging now and having support like this is just what I need to give me the motivation! xx

  4. I love this post it can be so hard to think of new content everyday! I struggle with that sometimes, but even with doing it for two years I'm still learning about the ins and outs of the technical terms of blogging! I myself, am not an expert but I try to be as loyal to my readers as possible, giving them the content they want, although I try to think if I was a reader of my own blog, what would I want to read about? It can be so hard with thinking of new ideas or carrying on even if you're not in the right frame of mind, but it's okay to have a break once in a while to wind down from the stresses it can cause! Great post! I'll keep tabs on your posts in the future xxx | www.wanderlustamy.co.uk

    1. This is when people have to realise that blogging isn't as easy as what people think it is and I have started to understand this! If there are any type of posts you would want me to see or anyone reading this would want me to write, please let me know as I am happy to take suggestions from my lovely readers! xx

  5. I completely agree, some days Im so motivated an others I'm like why did I start this!

    1. I'm like this atm haha I've already woken up thinking "why have I started this again?! But I know it's a platform I can just write and write and write and know that people are interested in reading my blog. It's normal for us to have days like this but class it as a good thing because it's a way of taking a step back and all of a sudden, the ideas will come flowing out again! xx

  6. I normally feel like this too! I just updated my blog design and restarted as I just needed a refresh. I think its good for people to change, you are just developing your blog. Cant wait to see whats to come xx

    1. Thank you ever so much for your kind words as they do mean an awful lot to me and how I go about blogging! I will definitely be checking out your blog xx

  7. Welcome back to blogging! Can't wait to read more content!💕

    1. Thank you! It feels so good to be back and ahh yes I will definitely be having much more content on here now! I don't want to feel afraid to post something just in case people don't like what I've written but with this frame of mind, I will not be getting anywhere! xx

  8. Aw I have had so many times where I felt the same, especially when I started blogging again, I took so many breaks and it took a while before I knew who I was and what I loved writing about :D it's all part of the journey and take all the time you need to create and furnish your magical little corner of the web <3 give it love and it will grow all by itself! :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (lets follow each other on bloglovin or instagram)

    1. Aww this is a lovely piece of advice thank you Elizabeth! I'm hoping the more time and effort I put into it, I will finally feel happy with it xx


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