It Was Time For A Change
I've been umming and ahhing about my blog style for quite a bit of time now and FINALLY last week on a spontaneous chilled evening at home, I updated it...and I love it!
Now I know it probably doesn't look that spectacular or anything because website design, coding and all that lot does not compute with me: I wouldn't know where to start and I was slightly struggling with this in all honesty. I was looking at all the template layouts already provided by Blogger but eventually, this was the style I was set on: it wasn't over the top like my previous one was and what really drew me to it was the cover photo setting. It felt more personal and much more modern for the blogging world of today...and I loved it. (BIG thanks to Megan for designing my cover photo for me, massive hugs to you!!)

Originally, I didn't want to stray away too much from what my blog used to look like when it first started, but a new change can be good for you which I believe is what this blog's layout now is! I still wanted little reminders of how it began though so there are elements of purple around the blog, such as the sidebar, but the purple is subtle and contemporary when combined with the monochrome look. Edgy, modern yet somehow traditional I could say?
But why have I waited until now to revamp my blog? Well, with me going into final year of university, we're expected to create business cards, portfolios and anything else that we feel will show who we are as someone to work with in the future. Now I still want to pursue with my blog, even if it will be on a separate online platform from what my future website will be or if I can figure out how to merge the two (it's probably so easy but I have no clue) into one. There is time to plan all this out; but with that in mind, I want future employers to come across my blog, read my content and to view it so they can see what I am like as a person. I love writing my thoughts down to share with you all because yes, even though I make this content available for anyone to read, I know others out there have the same thoughts on the topic or have different opinions but still like to discuss them, and that's what drew me into blogging in the first place and what still drives me to carry on with it now. I wanted my blog to show I can be professional yet a genuine person for others to potentially work with, whatever it is that I will be doing come post-graduate life, and I felt my blog was the first place to start to show this, to show who I am.
I hope that you all enjoy the new style and can still join me on my blogging journey, however long that may be for!
Much Love
V A x
Photographer: Megan Rhodes
Find her here! >>
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