Get To Know Me: The Liebster Blog Award!

So my self-promotion on social media as a blogger has really improved this time around since I have revamped my blogging habits and yesterday, the wonderful Ellie Wilson nominated me and a number of other bloggers for the Liebster Blog Award which I was very surprised at but I felt it was a good opportunity for you lovely lot to know a little bit more about me, using the 11 questions that Ellie has nominated us to answer. At the end of this post, I will be revealing my 11 blogger nominations for this award and thinking of my own questions to ask them! No doubt they have probably already been nominated and some of my questions have already been used but as I have only recently picked up blogging again....I hope you can forgive me. 

So here we go: 11 questions and 11 answers! Enjoy!

  1. What is your favourite colour?  Okay so this is something that I can be very indecisive over because I have a lot of favourite colours which can depend on the situation e.g: my favourite colour to wear is read because of my hair colour and the fact my pale skin can rock red....but I would have to say my favourite colour is purple. Yes it is generic, but all shades of purple I love. I don't really know why it is my favourite colour though? I think I just saw purple and was like yep, I like you purple. You can be my favourite colour of all time.
  2. Where do you get your inspiration for blogging from?  Erm, I would probably have to say from other bloggers really. I know that sounds a bit cliche but seeing the variety of content that is out there makes me realise that I can post similar content but it will still be unique because it is my opinion and it is me who is writing it, no-one else. 
  3. What is your favourite food?  CHEESE. CHEESE. CHEESE. If I could, I would have cheese on everything. But it HAS to be mature cheddar cheese: mild cheese now tastes like plastic to me. I love cheese that much that if I was to come back in my next life as a mouse, well let's just say I would be a great mouse.
  4. Which blog post that you wrote are you most proud of?  Now luckily, I don't have many to choose from here so if I had to make the difficult decision of choosing would be this one: What's Going On? I had been unsure about my blog for a while before writing this post and it felt great to admit what was wrong with how I was going about writing my content and all that jazz. Since then though, I have felt much more at ease with my blog and the amount of support I had on this post was just lovely to read and know that what I did was a good thing to do.
  5. Which blogger inspires you the most?  I won't lie, I find this question a bit difficult to answer at the moment because I'm still discovering new bloggers everyday and I find they are all inspiring in their own way. Only Monday though did I read a post written by Megan Beth about an experience of hers when she was younger which I can't even begin to imagine how she coped with it then and how it affects her now; but the courage she had to write about it, I cannot credit and praise her enough for how brave she is. It is bloggers like her that go through difficult times in their lives and publish it for others to understand that make blogging worthwhile and make it real and show that we are human.
  6. How do you juggle blogging and other responsibilities?  When I first started it, I was attempting to continue blogging whilst studying hard in my final few modules of my Foundation Degree course and, well, blogging didn't matter to me then. Now I've come back with a fresh look on blogging life and because it's the summer, I'm finding I am wanting to write a blog post to relax. I do have a part-time job and because there's only me and my mum who live together, I do housework when she's at work. Plus, I'm trying to sort through my room and start to bundle things together for when I move away for study in September. So to answer the question? ATM, I am finding it okay; but I know come September, my weekly planner will be organised very well so I know when to write my blog, do uni work, socialise etc...
  7. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?  Greece. 100%. I have been fascinated with the country ever since I learnt about the Greeks in history way back in Year 2 of primary school. I love the history of the country, the culture, the scenery, the art so much that it is my dream destination of all time.
  8. Why did you start blogging?  At first, I started blogging as a way to promote my FAV Instagram account at the time it was called that when I first started last year. I didn't feel I had to set up a blog because well, I didn't really. Recently though after getting back into blogging, I suppose the most likely reason for why I started this was because it is a fun hobby to do and blogging can take you anywhere which is very exciting.
  9. What's your favourite hot drink?  Hot chocolate....but not just any hot chocolate oh no no hot chocolate consists of toppings and treats for those days where you want to feel like luxury. I do the normal pouring hot water/milk into the chocolate mixture then stir first. Next, I sprinkle mini marshmallows into the drink before placing extra thick vanilla whipped cream on top...I then add more mini marshmallows and add more cream on comes the Flakes: 2 normal Flakes placed into the top layer of whipped cream before crushing another one or two Flakes and sprinkling these on's such a naughty treat but Oh. My. Heavens. It is wooonderful.
  10. What would your top tip be for new bloggers?  As a new blogger myself, I would simply say: be yourself. A false blog is no blog at all.
  11. What are your favourite blog posts to read?  At the moment, I am liking posts about make-up as I struggle to find bargains in this area and it's amazing how many bargains there are out there! I'm finding myself spoilt for choice which is a good thing I think?

So there you go! 11 questions with 11 (long-winded) answers. Now, I have chosen to nominate:

And my 11 questions to you are:

What was your favourite holiday destination?
If you could be any superhero, who would you be?
What celebrity would play you in a film about yourself?
What did you want to be when you were 10 years old?
What do you find is annoying about blogging?
What is your favourite season of the year?
If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you do with your winnings?
What do you love about blogging?
KFC or Nandos?
What would you say has been your biggest moment in your blogging career so far?
Did you ever imagine you would be blogging?

I do apologise for the amount of reading but these are a few things about me you know now which you probably didn't before. Writing this was a lot of fun so to those who I have nominated, I look forward to your responses and good luck!

Until we meet again you lovely readers...
Much Love
V A x


  1. It's so interesting to read these little facts about you. I love Greece, I'm going there again this summer.

    1. Thank you! And ahh I envy you! How many times would you have been to Greece after this summer? xx

      V A x

  2. I agree Greece is on the top of my travel wishlist as well! I'm hoping to go next year around May with my sister, fingers crossed. I loved reading these little tid bits about you as well <3

    Ashley |

    1. I'm currently thinking Greece would be a lovely getaway for my 21st next year but one can dream! And aww thank you <3

  3. Aw loved your answers and congrats on the nomination! Your blog is so cute, can't wait to read more :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (lets follow each other on bloglovin or instagram)

    1. Thank you! And thank you again haha! I'm going to be slowly updating my blog where I can and hopefully continue to post more content for people like you to love xx


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